
In fifth class the Maths programme moves on to thousandths. Understanding ‘place value’ is very important. Place value refers to the value a digit has depending on the place it is in. For example, a seven in the tens place is seventy but a seven in the tenths place is seven tenths. Place value can be tricky to learn. Using money is a great way of learning it (until you reach the thousandths). Another major part of our maths programme is fractions, decimals and percentages. In order to understand these concepts you must first have an understanding of place value. Finding opportunities in real life to learn these concepts is the best way to really understand them. Watch out for percentages signs in shops, price labels, discounts etc. Shopping brochures are very useful especially if they are dealing with something the children are interested in. Here are some links to useful Maths websites

This site is good for practising problem solving.

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